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Beaverton Schools

Study on Campus

We are excited to be able to offer In Person Opportunities for your 6th - 12th grade student to work at FLEX.  Students will be supervised at all times while they are on site by FLEX Online staff.  Please note any student who wishes to attend In Person at FLEX Online must meet the BSD/State of Oregon Immunization Requirements.

Prior to coming on campus, students must complete the In-Person Study Form 


Upon completion, the office will reach out to you if there are any issues. We can't wait to see you!

On the Day You Attend, Bring: 
  • Chromebook/charger
  • Lunch if you plan to stay all day (unless you will eat from the lunchroom at BASE - FREE)
  • Headphones/earbuds
  • If you require medication during the day, the medication needs to be in the original container checked in at the front desk with staff and a student self medication form must be completed.  
Drop Off/Pick Up:
  • Students will sign in when entering the building. Staff will confirm the pick up plan at the time of sign in.
  • Students must sign out when they leave campus. 
Cell Phone Expectations
  • Cell phones will be on silent/vibrate mode so they do not disturb other students who are working.
  • No cell phone use during class time.
Behavioral Expectations
  • Students will follow their class scheduled zoom times and login at the appropriate times.
  • Between class zooms, students are expected to work on completing their course work.
  • Students will primarily be working in the library and are welcome to check out books.