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Beaverton Schools

Sources of Strength

Sources of Strength is a youth mental health promotion and suicide prevention program that focuses on hope, health and strength. It is a relationship-based support for building resiliency, creating a positive and supportive school culture, and helping all students feel connected and empowered as members of the community!

The Sources of Strength Wheel 

We can draw strength from many different areas of our lives. The Sources of Strength Wheel is a visual representation of these areas!


Family Support: Immediate, extended or chosen family

Positive Friends: Classmates, friends outside of school, online friends

Mentors: Coaches, teachers, trusted adults

Healthy Activities: Physical movement, listening to music, journaling, reading

Generosity: Volunteering, donating time/money, helping a friend

Spirituality: Religion, personal beliefs, things that ground us 

Physical Health: Movement, nutrition, sleep, hygiene 

Mental Health: Mindfulness, checking in with yourself, therapy

Mission Statement

We are a group of diverse students and adults from many different corners and cultures of our school and community. We believe that life has ups and downs, that all of us will go through good times and tough times. Our mission is to ensure that during the rough times no one gets so overwhelmed or hopeless that they want to give up.

Our mission is to spread hope, help, and strength into every corner of our community.

Our mission is to help students and staff turn to their strengths and their supports that are all around. We are connectors to help and strength.

Our mission recognizes that our voice has great power and we use it to break the silence when someone is struggling, and to connect them to the help they need and deserve.

We spread hope by focusing on stories of strength, rather than on stories of trauma. We know our most powerful impact comes from our personal actions, conversations, and messages that use our music, our art, our writing, our activities, our social media, our culture, and our voice. This gives life to our efforts.

We are Sources of Strength


Interested in becoming a part of Sources of Strength at FLEX? Contact our Social Worker Danielle Buchanan or Student Manager Jim Hiller to learn more!