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Beaverton Schools

Academic Integrity

Beaverton School District Board Policy, Code IKI: “The Board believes that students should strive to achieve their academic goals. This objective is accomplished through honest and diligent effort by students to understand the subject matter, themselves, and the world in which they live. The Board desires to encourage the development of critical thinking skills in students, to show them the benefits of setting and accomplishing goals, and to help the student realize the satisfaction and reward of learning.

Students are expected to put forth their best efforts on tests and assignments. Students are expected to demonstrate respect toward their instructors and peers by encouraging and facilitating learning. Engaging in various forms of academic dishonesty does not permit students to realize the full extend of the educational experience or their full academic potential.”

At FLEX Online School, we are committed to helping you learn the skills you need to succeed at college and in careers. We expect all FLEX students to have the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. We believe that being a virtuous and honest person is essential to being a member of any successful learning community.

Teachers will:

  • Teach plagiarism avoidance and the skills to correctly attribute sources.
  • At the beginning of each course, clearly outline that course’s expectations for academic integrity and examples of violations.

Students will:

  • Indicate clearly anytime they use anything from another person’s work, even if only a phrase or key word, by using quotations and citing the source.
  • Credit authors by citing the source, even if they use an idea or paraphrase, clearly distinguishing where the ideas of others begin and end.
  • Consult with teachers or go to the writing center before the assignment is due, if unsure whether to cite a source to give credit or how to correctly cite a source.
  • Value integrity and honestly in themselves and others and turn in their own work to show their knowledge.

Violations of academic integrity include:

  • Using information from another source without citing your sources.
  • Summarizing information that is not your own ideas and not citing the source.
  • Copying from another student; representing another’s work as your own.
  • Letting another student copy your work and submitting it as his/her own.
  • Passing on test information to others, in any format including electronic, verbal, and pictures.
  • Being found in possession of another student’s work.

Consequences for violating academic integrity policy:

-All violations will result in the following consequences:

  • Discipline referral and school consequences (admin intervention, detention, apology, assignment [see attached], suspension, etc.) for violation of Code 15, Forgery, Lying or Academic Integrity, of the BSD Student Parent Resource Handbook.
  • Parent/guardian contact.
  • Loss of credit for the assignment (whether or not the student has the opportunity to resubmit for credit or submit an alternate assignment to be decided on a case-by-case basis).

-For more extreme cases, multiple offenses, or cases that occur in AP/Honors/Adv/Dual Credit/College level courses, the following consequences may occur:

  • No opportunity to resubmit or redo the assignment.
  • Notification of National Honors Society.
  • Loss of Dual Credit.
  • Teachers who have written letters of recommendation may choose to withdraw them.